Sunday Schedule
8:00am - Early Service
A traditional liturgy (Rite I) communion service without music.
9:00-10:20am - Fellowship and Formation
Hot breakfast or coffee hour followed by adult forums and fellowship in the parish hall.
10:30am - Midmorning Service
A more contemporary liturgy (Rite II) communion service with full music and choir. This service is live-streamed and also available on FaceBook (see link below) to view at a later time.
Children and families are always welcome, especially the first Sunday of each month for 'Family First Sunday' when we offer a special children's homily. During the school year, Sunday School takes place during the 10:30 service in the undercroft classrooms. Teachers and children return to the nave during the peace and stay through communion and the rest of the service. Coffee hour follows this service in the Parish Hall.
A traditional liturgy (Rite I) communion service without music.
9:00-10:20am - Fellowship and Formation
Hot breakfast or coffee hour followed by adult forums and fellowship in the parish hall.
10:30am - Midmorning Service
A more contemporary liturgy (Rite II) communion service with full music and choir. This service is live-streamed and also available on FaceBook (see link below) to view at a later time.
Children and families are always welcome, especially the first Sunday of each month for 'Family First Sunday' when we offer a special children's homily. During the school year, Sunday School takes place during the 10:30 service in the undercroft classrooms. Teachers and children return to the nave during the peace and stay through communion and the rest of the service. Coffee hour follows this service in the Parish Hall.