Children, Youth and Family Ministry (YFM)

Children’s Ministries at Trinity are thoughtfully planned to engage children in the mysteries of our faith, the rhythms of our worship, and the work of God in the world. The spiritual and developmental needs of children are a priority for our church and children are an essential part of our life together as a faith community.
Here's a link to our dedicated Youth and Family Schedule
Family First Sunday
On the 1st Sunday of every month, at the 10:30 service, we offer a special children's homily intentionally designed to engage children.
Sunday School
All children, 3 years and older, are warmly invited to Sunday School which begins at10:25 in the undercroft of the church. Our curriculum is "Weaving God's Promises" - an Episcopal three-year lesson and craft plan that includes plenty of fellowship and fun. Children join their families at the passing of The Peace and remain for Communion and the rest of the service.
Here's a link to our dedicated Youth and Family Schedule
Family First Sunday
On the 1st Sunday of every month, at the 10:30 service, we offer a special children's homily intentionally designed to engage children.
Sunday School
All children, 3 years and older, are warmly invited to Sunday School which begins at10:25 in the undercroft of the church. Our curriculum is "Weaving God's Promises" - an Episcopal three-year lesson and craft plan that includes plenty of fellowship and fun. Children join their families at the passing of The Peace and remain for Communion and the rest of the service.

Youth & Children's Choir
Trinity's beloved "pop-up children's choir" happens at Christmas and Easter! It is led by Roger Long, Director of Music. All children warmly invited to sing.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Trinity collaborates with several other churches to host an annual VBS. Kids of all ages are welcome as either campers or counselors. VBS is held from 9am-Noon the first week of June.
Trinity's beloved "pop-up children's choir" happens at Christmas and Easter! It is led by Roger Long, Director of Music. All children warmly invited to sing.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Trinity collaborates with several other churches to host an annual VBS. Kids of all ages are welcome as either campers or counselors. VBS is held from 9am-Noon the first week of June.
Trinity Youth (6th graders and above)

Youth Acolytes
All tweens and teens are invited to train and serve as acolytes. The Liturgy of the Church relies on the good work of acolytes to help the clergy in all aspects of worship.
A "Crucifer" carries the cross and "Torch Bearers" carry the large candles in processions. Please let us know when you are ready to acolyte!
Youth Group
Trinity's Youth Group (6th - 12th graders) gather monthly during the school year over food, prayer, and a variety of activities, from bowling to pumpkin carving.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation is an opportunity for older youth to take on the promises made on their behalf at baptism and dedicate themselves to ongoing exploration of their faith. Classes are held in the winter months and are led by the Rector. Youth are encouraged to openly share their beliefs and doubts with trusted friends - we have a lot of fun along the way!
All tweens and teens are invited to train and serve as acolytes. The Liturgy of the Church relies on the good work of acolytes to help the clergy in all aspects of worship.
A "Crucifer" carries the cross and "Torch Bearers" carry the large candles in processions. Please let us know when you are ready to acolyte!
Youth Group
Trinity's Youth Group (6th - 12th graders) gather monthly during the school year over food, prayer, and a variety of activities, from bowling to pumpkin carving.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation is an opportunity for older youth to take on the promises made on their behalf at baptism and dedicate themselves to ongoing exploration of their faith. Classes are held in the winter months and are led by the Rector. Youth are encouraged to openly share their beliefs and doubts with trusted friends - we have a lot of fun along the way!

For more information about our Children, Youth and Family Ministry, please contact
Kelly Estes, Youth & Family Coordinator.

Trinity Church is committed to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for all youth and children. Part of that promise is requiring all Sunday School teachers and Lay leaders to be trained in SAFE Church practices. If you are interested in becoming a teacher or volunteer with our Children, Youth and Family Ministry, please contact our Coordinator, Kelly Estes.
For those of you seeking online training, please click here for instructions on how to register with Praesidium Academy. All training and coursework is free of charge.
For those of you seeking online training, please click here for instructions on how to register with Praesidium Academy. All training and coursework is free of charge.